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The Problem /Challenges.


  • We have no special and official qualified residence

  • Lack of workers who have experts and professionals to children since we have no ability to pay salaries. 

  • We have no permanent donors since we are depending only on local donors.

  • Playing Ground for sports and games (outdoor)

  • Economical activity which will boost our economic of the orphanage.

  • Dormitories for children who are above 13-17 years


Orphanage Halima will:


  • Rescue and provide emergency shelter for up to 100 children aged 0-17 years, at any one time, who have been orphaned, abandoned or subject to neglect or abuse.

  • Meet both the immediate and long-term physical, mental, emotional and social needs of vulnerable children including healthcare, quality schooling and recreational activities.

  • Support family reunification, where possible, to avoid institutionalising children for the full duration of their childhood.

  • Train new foster parents to provide long-term community-based placements for children without family to care for them.

  • Develop neighbourly support networks that enrich the lives of children and create stable families.

Project Values 

• Child First Approach: We will prioritise the needs of children above all else, and involve them, where possible, in all decisions that affect them and their futures. 

• Community Based Care: We will restrict institutional care to emergencies and short-term interventions, encouraging long-term support from within the community. 

• Culturally Sensitive: We will ensure that our model of child upbringing and fostering reflects the Tanzanian tradition of local people cooperating and working together to provide for the essentials and basics of good living. 

• Holistic Community Development: We will seek to transform the lives of vulnerable children by making long-term investments in families and communities to challenge ingrained, structural inequalities in society.




• Male/Female Dormitories with a total capacity to shelter up to 100 children

 • Staff & Volunteer Accommodation 

• Offices, Boardroom & Private Consultation Rooms 

• Classrooms

 • Computer Room 

• Library 

• Locker Room 

• Play Zone 

• Kitchen Facilities 

• Dining Room 

• Prayer Room

 • Outdoor Adventure Playground

 • Roadside Kiosks for Income Generation



Project Management for Halima selengiya Home :


PHASE 1 = $70,000 Purchase of land. 

PHASE 2 = $65,000 Construction of Boundary Wall 

PHASE 3= $455,000 Construction of Residential Blocks, Staff Areas, Classrooms & Play Zones 

PHASE 4 = $260,000 Construction of Dining Block, Prayer Areas and Staff Accommodation 

PHASE 5 = $130,000 Construction of Kiosks & Adventure Playground 

PHASE 6 = $65,000 Paving & Garden Area.

Total Project Cost: £861,000/$1,045,000/TZS 2,600,000,000/=



 Rescued children who have been transferred for long-term care in the community, will be provided with: 


• School fees and all related education costs 

• A monthly care package of food and toiletries

 • Medical insurance 

• Clothing and other personal items 

• Access to weekend extra-curricular activities and regular community events at Orphanage Halima Selengiya. 

 • Pocket money deposited into a child savings account, which can be accessed after the child reaches the age of 17 years


Foster Families will receive:

 • Regular training on child development and parenting skills 

• Scheduled and surprise safeguarding visits from a social worker 

• A monthly payment for the care of the child


Safeguarding Protecting children from abuse and neglect is our number one priority.

 All staff and foster parents will be required to: 


• Undertake a criminal record check via local police. 

• Attend safeguarding training to understand the rights of children and their duties and responsibilities to children in care.

• Report any concerns related to the welfare of a child to our local Safeguarding Officer as a condition of employment


Children will be provided with: 

• Age-appropriate training in safeguarding 

• Guidance on how to report any worries or concerns 

• Access to a qualified Social Worker on-call 24/7




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