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In 11 April 2023, following a dispute between the heirs of Halima Selengiya, the premises occupied by the orphanage, where without any notification, repossessed by court order twenty-six children returned from school and found their home bolted shut and bailiffs casting their few possessions into dump trucks stationed on the curb side.


After that circumstances friends and good Samaritans responded to the emergency immediately, since we asked them for assistance and is where they assisted us provision of shelter. Among those Samaritans, we got those who provided shelter under condition for one month.


Due to that factor, now Orphanage Halima Selengiya is settled in a rented house which is located at Bomambuzi street, Kalimani Pasua ward, and has fully registered by government under the ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special groups,;000688 of 17/08/2023 that according to the house rented were advised to have the maximum number of 25 children that is from the age of 0-17 years.


To date, orphanage is working under the government supervision since is registered and has been working depending on local donors.


The orphanage is seeking assistance to acquire land for building a new home for the children. The cost of purchasing a land is $70,000 and any donation amount would be highly appreciated. 

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